Title: Parallel Parking Parallel parking is defined as a method of parking a vehicle in line with other parked cars. Cars parked in parallel are in one line, parallel to the curb, with the front bumper of each car facing the back bumper of the adjacent car. Parallel parking requires driving the car in reverse gear into the parking space. Here is your scenario: You live in New York City, traffic is bad, and you are late for work. The parking garage is full. Now, your only alternative is to parallel park your vehicle on the street. You finally find a spot between two huge SUV's, it appears to be a very tight squeeze, do you proceed to parallel park? Here is a video link that might be helpful in answering your discussion question: Post Instructions: You are to read the scenario, and watch the video resource that is provided to you, then determine if you should proceed to parallel park. Be sure to cite any of your resources for the week to substantiate your answer.
By Monday: Your original post is due. By Wednesday: You must respond to two of your colleagues either agreeing or disagreeing to their answer. However, you must find an outside, credible source to back up your claim. By Sunday: You must respond to all of your replies by Midnight.
Formative Evaluative Criteria for Discussion Board Assignments
Quality of Work Submitted |
Above Average
Below Average
Contribution to the Learning Community |
The student’s contribution meets all assigned criteria and frequently prompts further discussion of a topic. The student takes a leadership role in discussions. The student demonstrates exemplary awareness of the community’s needs. |
The student’s contribution satisfactorily meets the assigned criteria for contributions to the discussions.
The student interacts frequently and encourages others in the community.
The student demonstrates an awareness of the community’s needs. |
The student’s contribution is minimal to the posting and response deadlines.
Occasionally, the student makes an additional comment.
The student makes minimal effort to become involved within the community. |
The student’s contribution does not meet the assigned criteria
The student does not respond or responds late to postings.
The student does not make an effort to participate in the community as it develops. |
Initial Posting: Critical Analysis of Issues |
Demonstrates critical thinking to analyze and relate key points.
Supports content with required readings or course materials, and may use creditable sources** in addition to those materials. |
Relates to the assigned discussion topic with satisfactory evidence of critical thinking. Summarizes and supports content using information from required readings and course materials. |
Summarizes or restates discussion topic components with minimal evidence of critical thinking skills. Post is off topic. Post has minimal or no connection to course materials. |
Does not relate to the assigned discussion topic.
Responses: Quality of Learning for Colleagues and Self |
Provide specific, constructive, and supportive feedback to extend colleagues’ thinking. Encourage continued and deeper discussion. Offer additional resources or experiences. Demonstrate exemplary evidence of personal learning as a result of interaction with colleagues. |
Provide constructive and supportive feedback to colleagues.
Refer to sources from required readings and course materials. Demonstrate satisfactory evidence of personal learning as a result of interaction with colleagues. |
Provide general feedback with minimal or no connection to required readings or course materials. Demonstrate minimal evidence of personal learning as a result of interaction with colleagues. |
Provide agreement without substance or connection to required readings or course materials. Demonstrate no evidence of personal learning as a result of interaction with colleagues. |
Expression |
Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas effectively written in Standard Edited English. Includes appropriate APA-formatted citations and reference list for outside sources and direct quotes. |
Provides clear opinions and ideas written in Standard Edited English. Includes satisfactory APA-formatted citations and reference list for outside sources and direct quotes. |
Expression is unclear or interrupted by errors. Includes minimal or no APA-formatted citations and reference list for outside sources and direct quotes. |
Unacceptable written expression. May include outside sources and direct quotes that lack appropriate citations. |